
Mesaje: 5
Membru din: Mar Ian 01, 2019 8:55 pm


Mesaj de Ionuthusi »

Tahicardia care persista foarte mult timp in timp ce sunt foarte emotionat, panicat, speriat, nu stiu cum sa ma exprim, poate produce vreo problema? Pot patii ceva din cauza tahicardiei? Am mai pus intrebarea asta multora si nu mi poate raspunde. Am obsesia sa imi iau mereu pulsul, sa vad cum bata inima si cum vad ca imi bate mai tare deodata imi incepe mai tare, foarte tare incat cred ca o sa mor. Nu stiu cum as putea trece peste chestia asta. De la bataile inimii incepe totul, nu doar de la ganduri. Mi-e frica cand inima bate tare. Daca stiti niste sfaturi, astept cu drag, mersi frumos...
Mesaje: 41
Membru din: Joi Noi 29, 2018 4:51 pm

Re: Tahicardie

Mesaj de Andra2007 »

Bună Ionut!Daca ai fost la medic si ti s-a confirmat ca nu ai probleme cardiace nu vad de ce ai crede ca ceva ti se va intampla. Tocmai gandul ca iti bate inima f tare si ca sigur vei muri este,după părerea mea,un factor declansator.cand tu gandesti asa automat vei simti frica,apoi metabolismul se accelereaza,instinctul tau vă crede ca esti in pericol si se vor elibera hormonii stresului,iar cea care iti provoaca tahicardie si puls marit este tovarasa adrenalina!Dar e important ca tu sa stii si sa crezi ca in acele momente inima ta functioneaza f bine si ca nimic rau nu ti se poate intampla!!Nu ştiu daca ai invățat despre exercitiul abc.daca Da,ai putea sa faci unul plecand de la gandul ca inima iti bate tare si ca sigur vei pati ceva,ca si factor declansator!E important sa citesti sau sa asculti zilnic explicatia atacului de panica.si oricat de greu ti-ar fii,incearca sa respiri normal,sa inspiri lent si eventual sa expiri mai lung.inteleg prin ce treci pt ca si eu am experimentat asta si inca mai am dar incerc sa le decatastrofez.sper sa iti fi fost de ajutor!multă sanatate si rabdare!
Mesaje: 18
Membru din: Mar Dec 11, 2018 12:59 pm

Re: Tahicardie

Mesaj de georgetacatescu »


Sa stii ca si eu am tahicardie, si persista si zile la rand. Insa nu e un motiv de ingrijorare, pentru ca nu e periculoasa. Inima e cel mai puternic muschi din corpul uman, si e facuta sa reziste la mult mai mult decat crezi.

Mai jos am copiat pasaje legate de tahicardie, dintr-o carte numita "The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook"- Edmund J. Bourne. Daca e greu de inteles in engleza, poti sa pui textul in google translate.

A panic attack cannot cause heart failure or cardiac arrest. Rapid Heartbeat and palpitations during a panic attack can be frightening sensations, but they are not dangerous. Your heart is made up of very strong and dense muscle fibers and can withstand a lot more than you might think. According to Claire Weekes, a healthy heart can beat 200 beats per minute for days even weeks, without sustaining any damage. So if your heart begins to race, just allow it to do so, trusting that no harm can come of it and your heart will eventually calm down.
There is a substantial difference between what goes with your heart during a panic attack and what happens in a heart attack. During a panic attack, your heart may race, pound and at times miss or have extra beats. Some people report chest pains, which pass fairly quickly, in the left upper portion of their chest. None of these symptoms is aggravated by movement or increased physical activity. During a true heart attack, the most common symptom is continuous pain and a pressured, even crushing sensation in the center of your chest. Racing or pounding heart may occur, but this is secondary to the pain. Moreover, the pain and pressure get worse upon exertion and may tend to diminish with rest. This is quite different from a panic attack, where racing and pounding may get worse if you stand still and lessen if you move around.
In the case of heart disease, distinct abnormalities in heart rhythm show up on an electrocardiogram (EKG) reading. It has been demonstrated that during a panic attack there are no EKG abnormalities , only rapid heartbeat. (If you want to be sure you have no heart disease, you may want to have your doctor perform and EKG)
In sum, there is simply no basis for the connection between heart attacks and panic. Panic attacks, are not hazardous to your heart.
There is an important difference between people who have panic attacks and those who do not. Individuals who are prone to panic have a chronic tendency to interpret slightly unusual or uncomfortable bodily sensations in a catastrophic way. For example, heart palpitations are seen as signals of an impending heart attack, chest constriction and shortness of breath are seen as signs of imminent suffocation, etc. People who do not have panic attacks may notice (and not particularly like) having such bodily symptoms, but they do not interpret them as catastrophic or dangerous.
If you have a tendency to interpret unpleasant bodily sensations as something dangerous or catastrophic, you will also tend to constantly monitor your body to see if you are having those sensations. You are probably very tuned in to your internal bodily states and overreact easily if something begins to feel slightly off or unusual. The increased internalisation creates a problem because you will notice and magnify any sudden change in your body that is slightly unusual or unpleasant.
The variety of circumstances that might cause a sudden change in your body's internal physiological state is numerous. Sometimes the cause lies outside of your body. For example, an argument with your spouse, seeing something unpleasant in TV, hearing your alarm clock, being in a hurry to be somewhere can trigger an increase in heart rate, chest constriction, stomach queasiness, or any of a wide range of bodily symptoms associated with anxiety.
At other times, the cause resides in some subtle physiological shift within your body - for example oxygen deprivation due to under-breathing, a spontaneous shift in the neuroendocrine systems of your brain, an increase in muscle tension, or a fall or a spike in your blood sugar level. These are just a few examples and all can cause racing heart and various other symptoms. Other times your thoughts can produce various symptoms.
Whether the initial cause lies primarily outside or within your body, you are usually unaware of these physiological shifts until you feel the resultant symptoms. The above examples illustrate only a few among many possibilities, any of which might constitute the triggering event for an increase in anxiety. Whether or not you actually develop a panic attack depends on how you perceive and respond to the particular increase in body symptoms that occurs.
To sum up, people who panic are likely to experience: 1) increased internalisation and preoccupation with subtle shifts in bodily symptoms or mood and 2) an increased tendency to interpret slight changes in bodily symptoms as dangerous and catastrophic.

Diagram of a panic attack triggered by racing heart:
Phase1. Initiating circumstances (internal or external)
Phase2. Slight increase in unusual or unpleasant bodily symptoms (eg. heart palpitations)
Phase3. Internalisation (increased focus on the symptoms makes them more noticeable and magnifies them)
Phase4. Catastrophic interpretation (telling yourself that it is dangerous symptom: I will have a heart attack, I will die)
Phase5. Panic

The good news is that it is possible to intervene at any point in this sequence. At phase 1 might be generalised stress, anxiety, or other circumstances where you can interfere by for example incorporating regular relaxation, exercise, stress management, etc in your life. Practicing relaxation exercises every day will result in a generalised effects after few weeks, you will find yourself more and more calm and less stressed during the day.
Phase 3 Consists of internalisation, being too focused on your sensations. When you feel these sensations coming and your anxiety increasing, you can use various techniques that reduce and stop panic. Vezi exemple aici: http://www.gandestesanatos.ro/forum/vie ... ?f=5&t=495

Perhaps the most important change you can make to defuse panic attacks is to interfere at phase 4. You can learn to stop interpreting unpleasant body sensations as dangerous or potentially catastrophic. Research has shown that eliminating catastrophic interpretations of body sensations is sufficient to relieve panic attacks. If you can learn to tolerate your rapid heartbeat and other sensations without interpreting them as dangerous, you will not have panic attacks anymore.

In order to break the connection between body sensations and catastrophic interpretations you need to replace your false beliefs that you are in danger or having a heart attack with an alternative explanation to your symptoms. Example of explanation to rapid heartbeat.
"An increase in heartbeat and/or heart palpitations is very likely caused by an increased output of adrenaline and sympathetic nervous system that accompany the early stage of an anxiety reaction, Such reactions are part of the body's normal means of handling any perceived threat- they are part of the fight or flight response. They are in no way dangerous, even if they continue for some time. For example a heart can beat rapidly for hours or days without putting you at any risk.

Another method is to use exposure in order to learn that the symptoms are not harmful:
example: walk up and down some stairs rapidly for about ninety seconds or until your heart rate increases. Stop if you start feeling dizzy or very uncomfortable.
Mesaje: 5
Membru din: Mar Ian 01, 2019 8:55 pm

Re: Tahicardie

Mesaj de Ionuthusi »

Buna seara, mersi fain pentru raspuns. Cum as putea înlocui gândurile despre bătăile inimii cu altceva? Cand merg pe strada, când urc scările, orice fac ma agit si intervine tahicardia care pur si simplu ma omoară. Simt ca imi zboară inima cu totul... Nu stiu cum sa o înlocuiesc si imi dau singur senzația că nu mai stiu ce e cu mine si ce se intampla si ca nimic nu mai are nici un sens. Vreau sa scap de starea asta, nici pofta de mâncare nu am, nimic... Adorm greu, ma trezesc tot obosit, amețeală, confuzie... Nu imi mai dau seama cum sa scap...
Mesaje: 41
Membru din: Joi Noi 29, 2018 4:51 pm

Re: Tahicardie

Mesaj de Andra2007 »

Pai nu trebuie sa le inlocuiesti,trebuie sa inveti sa le decatastrofezi!Să inveti sa nu te mai temi de ele.Parerea mea e ca acum ti-e frica de tahicardie si puls marit sau de ameteala si confuzie pt ca le interpretezi gresit. Crezi si esti sigur ca sunt semne de boala si ca ceva ingrozitor vei pati!Dar nu este deloc asa.Esti in cercul vicios al atacului de panica.eu imi facusem o schema despre cum ajungem la atac de panica.prima data apare gandul(La tine e gandul ca ai palpitatii si sigur vei pati ceva rau si asta e ingrozitor ),apoi urmeaza emotia,care este una dezadaptativa(panica,anxietatea)si apare ca urmare a gandurilor irationale de la inceput(mama omida-sigur voi pati ceva rau si catastrofare-e ingrozitor),apoi instinctul tau imediat va reactiona si te va pregati pt eventualul efort(lupta sau fugi) si va face asta prin intermediul hormonilor stresului(cortizol si adrenalina).Vei incepe sa ai palpitatii,senzatii de caldura,nod in gat,etc si le vei interpreta gresit. Asa ajungi la atac de panica si apoi o nei de la capat. Cam asta e mecanismul sau asa l-am inteles eu.E f important cum interpretezi tu lucrurile.daca tu atunci cand ai avea palpitatii ai zice de ex.:"am iarasi palpitatii,dar nu e nimic grav,am avut si ieri sau saptamana trecuta sau azi dimineata,dar au trecut fara sa patesc ceva;au aparut pt ca m-am speriat sau pt ca m-am ingrijorat putin si sunt normale si firesti la frica.nu voi muri,nu voi lesina si nimic grav nu voi pati,asa cum nu am patit nici ieri sau cand am mai avut!"E doar un ex. si o parere.Stii ca e aproape imposibil sa lesini din cauza atacului de panica,deoarece lesinul poate aparea atunci cand ne scade brusc tensiunea sau suntem deshidratati,ori atunci cand simtim anxietate ne creste putin tensiunea.poate ma repet,dar in acest tip de terapie repetitia are un rol f important,poate cel mai important!Atunci cand tu vei invata sa-ti interpretezi corect senzatiile si simptomele si le vei decatastrofa,nu te vor mai speria asa de tare sau chiar deloc.mult succes!
Mesaje: 10
Membru din: Joi Aug 31, 2017 2:24 pm

Re: Tahicardie

Mesaj de Adinagabriela »

Ionuthusi, este exact ca atunci cand faci sport! Cand faci sport, bataile inimii sunt mai accelerate, pulsul mai crescut, creste nivelul adrenalinei. Insa tu iti creezi aceste ganduri iar organismul tau reactioneaza la aceste emotii. Cum? Pai creste nivelul adrenalinei insa tu nu faci sport in momentul ala si nu te lupti cu nimeni,deci nu faci efort iar energia inmagazinata in tine este mare. In momentul cand tu ai un atac de panica corpul tau functioneaza perfect,ca atunci cand faci miscare,decu nu ai ce rau sa patesti. Incearca sa faci sport,jogging, mers cu bicicleta macar de 3 ori pe sapt si daca poti inscrie-te la psihoterapie online al acestui site. O sa vezi rezultatele! Succes
Mesaje: 18
Membru din: Mar Dec 11, 2018 12:59 pm

Re: Tahicardie

Mesaj de georgetacatescu »

Ionut, te asigur ca se pot schimba gandurile astea prin repetitie si daca incepi sa faci si niste sport.
Si eu ma speriam de asta, dar am inceput sa fac mai mult sport, si cu timpul a inceput sa imi placa atunci cand simt ca imi bate inima mai tare pentru ca atunci stiu ca antrenamentul are efect bun pentru corp.

Antrenamentul cardio de exemplu e facut pentru intarirea inimii si a rezistentei organismului la efort. Ele se desfasoara pe o perioada mai mare de timp si fac inima sa bata cu putere.
Orice activitate care creste numarul de batai ale inimii cu 50%-70% din numarul maxim de batai intra in categoria cardio. Acest lucru sporeste circulatia sanguina pentru a furniza cantitati optime de nutrienti si oxigen fiecarei celula a corpului.

Chiar daca senzatiile vin fara motiv uneori (poate e de la vreun gand, de la vreo situatie), nu conteaza, poti sa te imprietenesti cu senzatiile astea si sa iti placa chiar pentru ca e chiar bine pentru organism sa iti bata inima cu putere. Inima e un muschi care trebuie antrenat ca orice alt muschi din corp. Si daca o antrenezi din ce in ce mai mult o sa bata mai incet atunci cand faci efort, deci rezistenta ta la efort creste.
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